Silk Tank: Installed with PHE Plate, having storage capacity of 70,000 liters. It is a heat exchanger to decrease the temperature of received milk.
Reception Lab:
Our Industry is fully equipped with latest machinery to ensure the quality of products.
- Temperature Testing Unit
- PH Meter
- Acidity Checking Unit
- COB Testing Unit
- APT Testing
- Fat Percentage Testing
- Funke Gerber Machine
- Salt Meter
- Adulteration Test
- Taste & Smell Testing
Standardization Tank installed with the Capacity of 12,000 liters.
Chemical Tank installed with the Capacity of 3,000 liters for Stabilizer and sugar mixing fitted with tri blender.
Vegi Fat Melting Tank installed with the Capacity of 3,000 liters for Fat Melting and Storage.
Homogenizer Tetra Alex with designed Pressure of 250 Bar.
Aseptic Tank installed with the Capacity of 6,700 liters.
Filling Hall:
Filling Machines (Terta Brick Aseptic)
TBA 19: With the capacity 6,000Packs/hour
TBA 9: With the capacity 6,000Packs/hour
PLE Hall:
Printers for Filling Machines
Domino A-200
Straw Applicator
Capacity: 6,000Packs/hour
Shrink Machines (Automatic)
Capacity: 600trays/hour
Shrink Machines (Manual)
Capacity: 400trays/hour
Ware House:
Storage Halls: Warehouse of capacity: 45,000 trays
Cold House:
Cold Store of capacity: 70cbm
Power Sources: UPS Backup Capacity: 400KvA. Backup Time: 15minutes
Generators: 1. 350 KvA, 2. 635 KvA
(R.O) Reverse Osmosis Plant: Its a water purification plant used for water feeding to Boiler and production of various products.
Capacity: 8,000 liters/hour.
Chiller: Refrigeration Capacity: 100Tons
Boiler: Capacity: 5 Ton Steam/hour at 10 bar pressure.
Air Compressor: Capacity: 300 cbm/hour at 7 bar pressure.
Millin Tea Whitener
Nectar Juices
Flavoured Milk
UHT Milk
Brands Introduction:
Millin Tea Whitener
Pureal Nectar Juice
Yamoo Flavored Milk